U.S Government Assignment | Homework Help Websites
U.S Government
25 Topics:
- Checks & Balance Organizer
- Cabinet Organizer
- Bill or Rights Organizer
- Election Process Organizer
- Congress Organizer
- Executive Branch Organizer
- Supreme Court Organizer
- Congressional Committees Organizer
- State & Local Government Internet
- State &Local Government Worksheet
- State Law Search (optional)
- UC Government Organizer
- Bureaucracy (17)
- California ((26)
- Civil Rights (20)
- Due Process (25)
- Electoral College (26)
- Presidential powers (28)
- Landmark Court Cases (62)
- Minor Parties (17)
- Philosophers (20)
- Parties (28)
- Public Policy (20)
- Filibuster (17)
- Foreign Policy (22)
Required: 25 Articles related to the 25 topics of course with typed summary for each. (1 article for 1 topic)
Current articles within the last year (2018)….
Optional: May use cartoons, polls, graphs, etc…
- Title: Checks & Balance Organizer
URL of the article.
Summary of the article
Must keep summary next to articleurl.
Summary should be a short paragraph.
Single words or a single sentence will be given a zero.
Journal (Notebook) Grading
Estimated sections, mark the point that best describes your Journal. I will fill in the actual Completeness: Homework assignments, writings and inotes. (0 to 20)
Neatness:Readable, good clean diagrams, drawing, highlighting, colors, typed (0 to 5 )
Outside Information: (Min 25) news articles, reports, data, drawings, extra notes, cartoons,etc.. Everything you do in this section must be fully explained or doesn’t count. (0 to 25 pts)
Total Points: 0 to 50