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Give a list of the personal factors that can influence the decision of a buyer. Give your own three examples of these personal factors so you can show you understand a buyer’s decision making process.
You are the owner of ABC Electronics company that manufactures and markets cloud based storage solutions. The company’s products require high-involvement from the sellers and require salespeople to provide complex and technical information. In your own words, describe the kind of a compensation structure you select for your sales representatives and why you selected these, using the concepts you learned in this course.
Explain the pros and cons of using behavioral targeting for marketing. Give an example of a company using behavioral targeting to show you understand the concept and application.
Why is the role of advertising as a communications tool important in marketing for business (not consumer) markets? Give an example of a business to business advertising plan (Who is the company and who is the audience?) and explain what are some of the elements that should be considered in that plan.
You are now the marketing manager of a company. You need to create a stakeholder-performance scorecard that tracks the satisfaction of various constituencies who have an interest and impact your company’s performance. List three different departments or entities that might be included in this report. Give one example of a firm and industry who may use this tracking and how they could benefit from the scorecard. Show your understanding of the concept in your response.
Describe the challenges and opportunities that international markets pose. Give an example of one challenge and one opportunity for a company you learned about.
What are the major decisions that a firm must undergo in making a decision to market internationally. Provide an example of those decisions in your own words. Give your example, including the country and the product that is being marketed to show you understand the concept.
Marco is working on promoting his company’s Snappy brand of electronic razors. Market research suggests that the target audience possesses an intent to use Snappy, but is dithering over actually making the purchase. How can he modify the messaging program to get customers to purchase Snappy razors? Give your own personal example of a similar strategy to show you understand the concept here.
Give an example of selective retention and its association with marketing. How can a marketer apply this concept in your example?
When two service businesses, Joe’s Tax Accounting Firm and Redwing Legal Services, combined their efforts, they also joined marketing forces to create a strong alliance. This would classify as which type of strategic alliance? Explain your answer. Give your own example of a strategic alliance and how the alliance benefits the company from a marketing perspective.