Summary Response – Manhattan High Line Assignment | Homework Help Websites
REQUIRED FORMAT:There needs to be three (3) sections, each with their own heading: Introduction, Summary, and Response. The heading should be in bold. In the Introduction section, you should say who created the material you are analyzing, who published the material, and a general statement about what the material is about.In the Summary section, you are to write about at least four (4) main points from the material.In the Response Section, you are to state why you think the material relates to the main theme of the course. You are also to respond to at least one of the four points you wrote about in your Summary section. You are also supposed to comment on whether the material analyzed was either beneficial or a waste of time and then tell me why you have chosen your response. LENGTH: These Summary and Responses should be no more than 350 words. ON QUOTING FROM THE MATERIAL: You are trying to convince your reader that you comprehend what you just read/heard/watched. You do that by using YOUR OWN WORDS to do your summary and response. Further, since you have to adhere to a 350-word minimum, you should use as many of those as possible to display your own thinking, not repeating word-for-word what the material creator communicates. GRADING: If your Summary and Response is not in the right format, you will get a zero. Each assignment outside of the quizzes are worth only a few points but the zeroes can add up. If you plagiarize, you will get a zero. If you don’t follow the rest of the instructions, you will only be eligible for partial credit.
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