Summary Assignment | Homework Help Websites
For Tuesday, listen to this 19 minute podcast and write you summary using our normal outline:
Student name: _______________________________________
Author(s): _____________________________________________________
Date Published: _________________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________________________
Newspaper: ____________________________________________________
Website: _______________________________________________________
Date Accessed: __________________________________________________
APA Citation: __________________________________________________________
Paragraph 1: Introduction: Who are the actors in this story? What happened? How did it happen? When did it happen? Is it still happening? Where did it happen?
Paragraph 2: What are the natural elements introduced in this story? What are the key points about these natural elements that the author(s) make?
Paragraph 3: What are the social elements introduced in this story? What are the key points about these social elements that the author(s) makes? Are people of all genders and races represented? Whose voices are not heard that might be important to this story?
Paragraph: 4: What are the major findings of this story? What are the implications of this story?