Study Virtual Assignment Designing Assignment | Homework Help Websites
January 31st, 2019
Design a Study Virtual Assignment
- Read through the PPT “Virtual Class Research Design” (can be found in PPTs folder under Resources). This is a summary of information covered in chapter 1 of the textbook.
- On the last slide of the PPT, pick a research question to answer.
- Describe a proposed study to address one of the research questions listed on the last slide of the PPT for this topic.
- Things to consider as you design your study:
- What is your research design (IV and DV if experimental) and WHY did you chose that design?
- Is design longitudinal (multiple time points of measurement) and WHY?
- What are some of the potential limitations or pitfalls of your design?
Design a Study 1. Does watching Barney The Dinosaur decrease aggression in children? 2. How do children’s coloring skills change during preschool? 3. Does using a calculator during math instruction result in reduced understanding of mathematical principles? 4. Are 10 year olds better at identifying their emotions compared to 5 year olds?