Sales and Marketing Assignment | Homework Help Websites
January 22nd, 2019
Homework 1: Sales and Marketing
- This is an individual (not a group) homework assignment. Original work is required.
- Locate and read at least three reputable articles/sources that discuss sales, marketing, and/or the differences between sales and marketing. List the title, date, author, publication and URL (if applicable) for these articles.
- On the basis of all of the articles/resources, answer the following three questions: (Use your own words and complete sentences; include 3 or more key thoughts in your answer to each question.)
- What are primary responsibilities of the sales department?
- What are the similarities and differences between the two functions?
- As we talked about in class, some organizations combine sales and marketing into the same functional area, and some organizations separate these two business areas. Prepare a list of debate arguments/points supporting that sales and marketing should be in the same functional group or in different functional groups depending on the first letter of your last name:
- If your last name begins with A-H, you will be on the “RED” team and should focus on reasons that sales and marketing should be in the same function within an organization.
- If your last name begins with I-Z, you will be on the “BLUE” team and should focus on reasons that sales and marketing should not be combined in the same function within an organization.
- List each of your debate points with detailed supporting arguments for each point.
- Submit your HW to the Dropbox by the due date.
- Be prepared to argue your assigned side during an informal group debate in class. For your reference purposes, have a spare copy of your homework available in class on the due date.