Resistance and Communication Assignment | Homework Help Websites
Using the organization that your instructor preapproved, diagnose the organization’s level of resistance and construct a solid communication plan. Use a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record a maximum of a five to seven (5-7) minute dynamic video on the topics detailed below. Alternatively, you may submit a four to six (4-6) page paper instead of the video submission.
Please use the following naming convention in the popup window for your video once it is finished uploading:
Title: Your First Name, Your Last Name – Managing Organizational Change
Tags: HRM 560, Organizational Change
Description: First Name, Last Name – HRM560 Assignment 4 (Date Uploaded ex. 11-14-2014)
Prepare and present a video that is a maximum of five to seven (5-7) minutes OR write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
- Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change.
- Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three (3) potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Identify and describe three (3) potential sources of resistance to your change plan.
Points: 140
Assignment 4: Resistance and Communication
Below 70% F
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely diagnosed the reasons for resistance to change.
Partially diagnosed the reasons for resistance to change.
Satisfactorily diagnosed the reasons for resistance to change.
Thoroughly diagnosed the reasons for resistance to change.
2. Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three (3) potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Identify and describe three (3) potential sources of resistance to your change plan.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely interpreted the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Did not submit or incompletely identified and described three (3) potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Did not submit or incompletely identified and described three (3) potential sources of resistance to your change plan.
Partially interpreted the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Partially identified and described three (3) potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Partially identified and described three (3) potential sources of resistance to your change plan.
Satisfactorily interpreted the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Satisfactorilyidentified and described three (3) potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Satisfactorily identified and described three (3) potential sources of resistance to your change plan.
Thoroughly interpreted the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Thoroughly identified and described three (3) potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Thoroughly identified and described three (3) potential sources of resistance to your change plan.
3. Create a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely created a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.
Partially created a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.
Satisfactorily created a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.
Thoroughly created a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.
4. Elaborate on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely elaborated on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.
Partially elaborated on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.
Satisfactorily elaborated on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.
Thoroughly elaborated on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.
5. Evaluate three (3) communication strategies.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely evaluated three (3) communication strategies.
Partially evaluated three (3) communication strategies.
Satisfactorily evaluated three (3) communication strategies.
Thoroughly evaluated three (3) communication strategies.
6. Recommend one (1) communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Diagnose why this communication strategy is best for your organization.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely recommended one (1) communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Did not submit or incompletely diagnosed why this communication strategy is best for your organization.
Partially recommended one (1) communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Partially diagnosed why this communication strategy is best for your organization.
Satisfactorily recommended one (1) communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Satisfactorily diagnosed why this communication strategy is best for your organization.
Thoroughly recommended one (1) communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Thoroughly diagnosed why this communication strategy is best for your organization.
7. Create a solid communication plan for your change initiative.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely created a solid communication plan for your change initiative.
Partially created a solid communication plan for your change initiative.
Satisfactorily created a solid communication plan for your change initiative.
Thoroughly created a solid communication plan for your change initiative.
8. 4 References
Weight: 5%
No references provided.
Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices.
Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.
Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
9. Clarity / Coherence in Presentation and writing mechanics
Weight: 5%
More than 6 errors present. Information is confusing and fails to include reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
5-6 errors present. Information is partially clear with minimal reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
3-4 errors present. Information is mostly clear and generally supported with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
0-2 errors present. Information is provided in a clear, coherent, and consistent manner with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
10. Met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option.
Partially met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option.
Satisfactorily met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option.
Thoroughly met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option.
- Create a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.
- Elaborate on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.
- Evaluate three (3) communication strategies.
- Recommend one (1) communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Diagnose why this communication strategy is best for your organization.
- Create a solid communication plan for your change initiative.
- Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.