Pulley Assignment | Professional Writing Services
Imagine you were to repeat the last experiment in today’s lab but instead of spinning the charged Teflon rod with another charged rod you set up a torque balance as shown in the picture below.
“Pull over pulley not relevant to the problem Pulley around which the string is wound You wrapped the string around the pulley with radius r=13mm. You brought another charged rod (not shown in the picture) distance d=1.2cm from the very tip of your test rod and hung a small weight m=288.2g on the end of the string. The entire system is in balance, that is neither the weight nor the rod are moving. The amount of charge on each rod is Q=7 x 10-8 C, gravitational constant g=9.8m/s ? and vacuum permeability to = 8.85 x 10-12 F/m. Making the same assumptions about the interaction between the rods as you did in the lab (treating the tips of the rod as point charges) what is the length, L, of the test rod? L = 240 x cm (that is centimeters)
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