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Unit 5 Discussion 1 & Unit 5 Assignment 1 – Due date 2/02/2019 (Saturday) – $30.00
Unit 5 Assignment 1
Theoretical Analysis
Submit the theoretical analysis portion (4–5 pages) of your final project in which you analyze theories for the treatment of compulsive and addictive behaviors as they apply to group methods and synthesize trends in compulsive and addictive behavior research as they apply to group methods. Note that analysis means more than just describe. For example, to analyze, you might compare and contrast theories and explore the pros and cons of the use of the theory. Please refer to the Personal Model for Group Leadership course project description for more instructions and details.
Complete the Cultural Scenarios presentation. When you complete this media piece, consider some of the specific ethical concerns pertaining to group counseling that you may have. This study activity is in preparation for the first discussion in this unit.
Complete the Ethical Considerations in Group Treatment presentation to be able to consider ethical choices that you would make in certain situations related to group counseling.