Professional Persuasive Outline Assignment | Homework Help Websites
Petition Outline
- You must have an actual OUTLINE – not a draft – of your petition showing your headline, your photo(That actually related to your topic), how you will start, what you will include and in what order, and how you willconclude. You are creating a “plan of attack” to persuade your dual audience.
- Create an Outline form in word doc include all the stuff that just mention up there.
- Make it very persuasive!!!
Upon are the instruction from prof for the outline
Here are my Petition and how I want you to help me finish this outline!!!
My Topic is “United States should fix air pollution problem for our next generation”
(Help me form this title more persuasive… because I think this is kind of weak, but before helping me to form a new title don’t forget this is a petition that I want US to fix the air pollution problems so our next generation won’t live in a harmful air quality) Help me think of a topic that can catch people’s attention.
My Change maker would be : US environmental agency (Mention this in the part 3 solution part)
There are 3 sources/points I want to mention in this outline
(I already finish those 3 source’s annotated bib, I’ll post it below so you can help me put in the outline in different words)
- Air Pollution Will Be Our Top Killer by 2050
(this is the first source and first point I want to make for my intro, because I want people to know that if we aren’t fixing air pollution, what would the world be like if we don’t fix it, so use this as my first point in the outline, so basically it just summarize for my purpose!!!)
Here are the annotated bib I did for this source…
Hartman, Brady. Scientists Say Air Pollution Will Be Our Top Killer by 2050. Longevity Facts, 2017. Retrieved from
(click the link to see more info so you can use it in outline)
The article asserts that air pollution and global warming are bound to be the top killer over the a few decades to come. In this regard, increase in air pollution will be associated with increase in premature deaths as a result of such diseases as strokes, heart attacks, as well as lung disease. The author argues that scientific evidence has revealed that air pollution is capable of easily crossing over to other countries that have cleaner environments, thus contributing to numerous health problems associated with air pollution. Research evidence has revealed that over the past eight years, there has been significant increase in deaths caused by air pollution, with about 16 percent of global deaths in 2015 attributed to air pollution.
In light of assessing this source, it provides a powerful background information of air pollution, which makes it an ideal source for writing introduction of the topic on air pollution in US, and how it can be mitigated. The article considers various sources for sourcing relevant information, and includes critical statistical and scientific evidence that makes a research tentative and representative. The author is very objective in the way of organizing ideas in the article, and can therefore be considered as an important resource to add on to research studies on air pollution.
The research is very helpful in the research topic as provides critical information about the current situation of air pollution in United States. In particular, the article outlines specific effects of increased air pollution in United States and neighboring countries. Additionally, the article makes various predictions on the impact of increase in air pollution, which is essential for policymakers to make relevant interventions for proper mitigation strategies. The research is greatly helpful and critical is shaping the argument on air pollution
- US States Most Affected by Industrial Air Pollution
( This is the second points I want to make in my petition, mention the air pollution’s problems now in US, and how worse is it, For this part in Outline just mention the problem and grab people’s attention for this problem, basically it’s introducing the problem)
Here are the annotated bib I did for this source…
Dillinger, Jessica. US States Most Affected by Industrial Air Pollution. WorldAtlas, 2017. Retrieved from
(click the link to see more info so you can use it in outline)
According to the article, reducing carbon emission is undoubtedly a major concern for many countries across the globe. Increased carbon emission has perpetrated climate change, which has resulted from global warming prompting world leaders to focus on strategizing on way of reducing carbon emissions through green energy. However, the biggest issue is that many countries such as US have seen their economies thrive on manufacturing, which is associated with air pollution. The dilemma is to obtain significant reduction in carbon emission without compromising the economy of the country. Government policies have thus far been established, which has seen some degree of reduced air pollution in some states. However, there is still more to be done to bring sanity in environmental safety.
On the assessment of the article, it gives helpful information in terms of evaluating the problem of air pollution in United States. The article in undoubtedly a useful source as it clearly outlines the issue of air pollution and its trend in various states in America. It even gives an overview of the condition of air pollution in different states, which reveals that some states pollute the air more than others, and that some states have made significant strides towards lowering the pollution levels. This source is a great compliment for the article introducing the topic.
The reflection of the article reveals that the source perfectly fits in the research. In this regard, after the introduction of the research topic, the article presents the problem of air pollution in US, clearly citing the different levels of pollution. The particularity of the pollution levels of pollution in various states provides important information for appropriate intervention measures towards lowering pollution. This article has even influenced my individual thinking on the state of pollution in US, especially on how high the level of air pollution is.
- Ambitious emission limits for power plants would result in significant pollution cuts in the EU
( This is the last part I want to mention in the outline, the “solution” part, I found a example that EU are doing it and it actually work for the EU, just mention that I want to use this part for US as an example, because other country is doing it and it works, so US should also consider doing it, so there might be a chance for us solving the air pollution, and DON’T FORGET MENTION AGAIN “IT IS FOR OUR NEXT GENERATION”)
Here are the annotated bib I did for this source…
European Environment Agency. Ambitious emission limits for power plants would result in significant pollution cuts in the EU, 2018. Retrieved from
(click the link to see more info so you can use it in outline)
The article focuses on the how the European Union (EU) has a great role to play in terms of setting limits towards emission of pollutants from power plants. The article argues that establishment of stringent but realistic limits for emission in the power sector would significantly reduce emissions of key pollutants by up to over 90 percent by 2030. The key pollutants include Sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide. Setting the ambitious limits according to the EU law is integral in establishing flexible requirements that fit particular geographical locations.
This source is an incredibly helpful source as it provides important insights that there is hope despite the damage that has already done by high levels of air pollution. The article greatly contributes to providing solution to the high level of air pollution. As such, the article can be considered to complete a research by offering solution to the problem of air pollution provided in the second source.
The article is a perfect fit for the research owing to how it provides a solution to the research. Indeed, the research would be incomplete and irrelevant to some extent of it only gave a problem without a solution, which is described in the article. The article is essential is shaping the argument on air pollution, and changes my perception that the damage that has already resulted from air pollution can be rectified through appropriate policies and limitation practices towards emission of pollutants.
- For the Conclusion I want you to help me conclude the main point that the reason why I want introduce this petition is because I want our next generation can live without air pollution, and it would be the most dangerous problem in the next 10 years, before it get worse we should start solving it.
Some Example for victory petition: