PowerPoint Presentation Assignment | Homework Help Websites
January 31st, 2019
You are assigned to be a presenter at a career fair in your local town or city. Your presentation will be to introduce the field of public administration to potential candidates thinking about serving in a public discipline working for a government agency or a nonprofit organization. Each slide should abbreviate the information in no more than five or six bullet points. Please make sure in-text APA citations are utilized within the PowerPoint presentation, and list references on the last slide. Note: If topics take up more than one slide, use an additional slide to elaborate further points.
The following order of slides shall be presented in the PowerPoint presentation.
- Slide 1: Include an introductory slide. Provide the title of the presentation, your name, and the course number.
- Slide 2: Identify and define the range of public administrative disciplines at the local, state, and federal levels. Also, introduce types and functions of nonprofit organizations (Slide title: A Multidisciplinary Field).
- Slide 3: Reference at least four reasons why public institutions need a code of ethics (Slide title: Code of Ethics in the Public Administration Field).
- Slide 4: List three examples of why intergovernmental relationships are critical in public service (Slide title: Intergovernmental Collaborative Networks).
- Slide 5: Assess why management styles are important when developing problem-solving strategies (Slide title: Management Styles for Today’s Workforce).
- Slide 6: Identify budgeting methods that are useful to evaluate public strategies (Slide title: Solving Budget Strategies for Public/Nonprofit Organizations).
- Slide 7: Identify several motives of why public agencies are accountable to the citizenry when using public funding (Slide title: Financial Accountability and Agency Transparency).
- Slide 8: List important points to help resolve multiculturalism and gender equity dilemmas in the workplace (Slide title: Social Equality and Discrimination Policies).
- Slide 9: Elaborate on points about important trends that produce effective public organizations (Slide title: Future Trends in Public Administrations).
- Slide 10: Summarize key concepts discussed in the presentation (Slide title: Conclusions).
- Slide 11: References for this assignment may include textbook readings, government and nonprofit websites, and articles from professional sources (e.g., academic journals). Include at least four references for this presentation (Slide title: References).