Persuasive Essay About a Healthy Lifestyle | Online Homework Help

A persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle can be tricky for some students or academic writers who fail to adhere to the strict rules and regulations of persuasive essay writing. Although many may seek online homework help on how to write a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle, it is no guarantee that they will construct a superb essay. In order to help you write a superb persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle, My Homework Writers is offering you the online homework help you require to have in order to nail your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle.

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My Homework Writers will start with the basics of how to write a persuasive essay.  My Homework Writers will give an outline and what to include in each segment. After practicing in this domain, you can then attempt to write a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. We will give you the ideal online homework help.

Definition of a Healthy Lifestyle

Every individual has a different perspective on what a healthy lifestyle is. Some argue it simply revolves around healthy eating. However, others also argue that despite involving healthy eating, a healthy lifestyle also encompasses living in a clean environment, and having good sanitation and hygiene. My Homework Writers believe all these definitions are correct. However, My Homework Writers will give the most accurate definition of a healthy lifestyle, based on the experience we have gained for years by providing online homework help on a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle.

persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle

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A healthy lifestyle is one that advocates for healthy eating, regular conduction of physical activities, weight management and lastly stress management. Not only does the healthy lifestyle revolve around healthy eating, but also on the stress levels of an individual and the exercise factor. After understanding this definition, it then becomes very easy to write a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle.

What is a Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive essays are often seen as powerful tools in helping result in a course of action or change in behavior. Thus, professors tend to highly test in this area to view the convincing capability of a student on a particular subject of interest. According to My Homework Writers, a persuasive essay is a type of writing that intends on convincing the audience to believe in a certain idea or take a specific action. One common factor a writer should have prior to writing a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle is great persuasive skills. This means that a student must possess great writing skills that help them to persuade a reader to take the action they are recommending, or alternatively believe in their point of view. In case one needs further explanation for what a persuasive essay is, they can contact My Homework Writers for online homework help.

Three Basic Techniques in Persuasive Writing

Are you surfing the web with an aim of identifying the three basic techniques in persuasive writing? Well, you came to the right place. My Homework Writers is the best writing service to grant you the online homework help you require in persuasive writing. According to My Homework Writers, the three techniques that are mandatory in persuasive writing include;

persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle

  • A good Presentation of the Evidence

Why? This is the immediate question readers ask themselves immediately you state your main argument. Although other online homework help websites may not insist on providing strong evidence on your points, well My Homework Writers does. Readers will be more likely convinced with your point of view if it is well backed up by verifiable evidence. By verifiable, I mean the use of facts and statistics. For example, if you are trying to persuade people on why they should adopt a healthy lifestyle, try and outline facts and statistics from recent health surveys. In our case, you may say; maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a huge concern for individuals in the United States. At least 25% of children under five are underweight or obese, and around 78% of people are dying daily as a result of poor health lifestyle conditions such as Diabetes, Obesity, Stroke, and heart attacks.

  • Provision of Concrete, Reasonable, and Relevant Examples

The goal of a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle is to convince them that leaving a healthy lifestyle is beneficial. Hence, one has to use appropriate examples to help justify their point. Our online homework help website recommends a student to draw examples from their personal experiences. More so, My Homework Writers argues that you can also acquire examples from the observations you make. Providing concrete and reasonable examples can help the reader relate more to your argument, idea, or opinion. 

  • Providing  a Balanced Accurate, yet Current Information

The use of accurate, balanced, and updated information helps provide and boost the credibility of your essay. Do not just state that a healthy lifestyle is important because it helps in preventing conditions such as obesity. Go a mile ahead and explain the current obesity impacts and trends. For example, ‘The rising rate of obesity is quite alarming. Approximately 7 in 10 children today are obese before they hit the age of 15. This is because they have completely ignored the rules of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.’ From this sample, you can notice that I have used statistics. My statistics are accurate and current since they are based on a healthy survey conducted early this year. Accurate and current information will help the audience believe and relate more to your content.

How to Write a Perfect Introduction in your Persuasive Essay about a Healthy Lifestyle

Most students want online homework help on how to write a perfect introduction in their persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. My Homework Writers is giving a simple guideline on how to come up with such an opening. Our online homework help website has gathered the following tips;

Tip 1: Begin with a Hook Sentence

This refers to a sentence that attracts the attention of the reader. This is a sentence that keeps a reader eager to read more of your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. In most occasions, students have been known to begin with the definition of a healthy lifestyle. This is not wrong; however, it is absolutely monotonous. Try beginning with a healthy lifestyle anecdote, pun, or statistic. More so, My Homework Writers insists the hook be current, yet accurate.

persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle

Samples of Hook Sentences Given by My Homework Writers

Sample 1;

In today’s society, the problem is not how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but rather keeping up with a plan on how to stay healthy and fit.

Sample 2;

According to the World Health Organization report of 2018, roughly 78% of the United States population has conditions that have developed due to the negligence of adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Tip 2: Give a Little Information about Healthy Lifestyle

Tell the audience for example what a healthy lifestyle is. At this juncture, most online homework help websites agree that you can provide the definition of a healthy lifestyle. Here are some samples both bearing a hook sentence, and the little information about the healthy lifestyle.


In today’s society, the problem is not how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but rather keeping up with a plan on how to stay healthy and fit. A healthy lifestyle merely requires you to eat well, sleep well, avoid stress, and keep fit.  In a bid to ensure that individuals adopt a healthier lifestyle, they are now incorporating both nutritional consideration and physical exercise in their normal routine.

Sample 2;

According to the World Health Organization report of 2018, roughly 78% of the United States population has conditions that have developed due to the negligence of adopting a healthy lifestyle. In many healthcare facilities, the most treated conditions are those resulting from unhealthy lifestyles such as liver cirrhosis, diabetes type II, among many others. In order to avoid such instances, it is crucial to adopt a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle refers to a way of living that reduces the risks of being seriously sick or dying. It encompasses eating healthy nutritious meals, exercising regularly, sleeping for at least 6 hours reducing stress levels, and proper hygiene and sanitation.

Tip 3: Keep the Reader Guessing What to Expect In Your Paper

Monotony is one aspect that can make a reader be easily bored with your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. Thus, in order to avoid this, My Homework Writers is offering you with online homework help in this sector. In order to avoid making the mistake of writing a boring introduction, My Homework Writers first urges a student to remain on the subject of interest. Most writers will deviate from writing about a healthy lifestyle and tend to explain the anecdote they wrote in their opening. This tends to put off most readers. In addition to that, My Homework Writers suggests that you keep your introductory paragraph brief. Do not explain your main points in the introduction. Instead, highlight the main points you will discuss and leave the discussions for your body.

What to Avoid In Your Persuasive Essay about Healthy Lifestyle

Although most online homework help websites will not explain this, My Homework Writers will. There are various things to look out for as you write your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. Here is a list of what to avoid in your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle according to My Homework Writers;persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle

  • Using Personal Pronouns

‘I work out every day. Eating healthy is what I love to do. According to me, stress is what makes one lose focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.’ Note how all these sentences have personal pronouns. According to our online homework help, this is what deducts your marks in your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. Personal pronouns according to My Homework Writers tend to make an essay about what you think rather than persuading the audience about the subject of interest. It is not about you. It is about writing a piece that will convince the reader that a healthy lifestyle is surely important. Instead of the personal pronouns, try using transitional words such as however, despite, although, in addition to, among many others.

  • Attacking the Opposition

Not all people believe in healthy lifestyles. Others believe in living in the moment and doing whatever makes them happy minus the healthy lifestyle. Do not be aggravated by the opinions of your opposition. Instead, keep it professional and use a professional tone. Many writers also write many persuasion essays but end up failing in luring people to sway with their point of view. Well, this is nothing to be angry about. However, other writers easily get angry and take their frustrations out of their opposition. They end up insulting the opposition side. This act is wrong since it ends up weakening your ability to comprehensively support your arguments. The end result is a failed persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle.

  • Relying on Inaccurate Information

A writer is sometimes overwhelmed in trying to convince the reader to believe them, such that they end up providing inaccurate information. In other instances, students have been known to exaggerate information. Any good online homework help website will tell you that this is not how you persuade a reader. According to My Homework Writers, the best way to persuade the audience to believe in your point of view is to only use accurate information from justified and verifiable source materials. However, sometimes a student is not familiar that they are providing wrong information. This is especially the case when they are using unknown or wrong sources of information. To avoid this, our online homework help website encourages students to always use peer-reviewed reference materials.

Elements of a Good Persuasive Essay about Healthy Lifestyle

There are various elements of a good persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. My Homework Writers is providing these elements with you to ensure you write a magnificent persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. According to our online homework help website, these attributes are;

  • A Clear, Concise Thesis Statement

All online homework help websites will agree with My Homework Writers that a thesis statement appears in the introductory paragraph. A thesis statement basically tells the reader what the essay is all about. In our case, it is a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the thesis statement should be a clear sentence explaining that we are discussing healthy lifestyle. Similarly, the thesis statement should directly state a supportable position according to My Homework Writers. Again, looking back at our topic, it is a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. Thus, our thesis statement should support a healthy lifestyle. It is very important for a student to first research on the topic before they write their thesis. This is because most students fail to provide a direct relationship between the topic and the thesis statement.persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle

  • A Strong Introduction

According to our online homework help website, your opening should be nothing but captivating. After all, an introduction aims at captivating the attention of the audience. In order to come up with a strong introduction, My Homework Writers suggests that it includes various elements. These are the hook sentence, the thesis statement, and a brief highlight of the main points. Writers of a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle may begin their essays with a fact or a probing question. This is what is referred to as a hook sentence. This is not wrong.

The only thing to remember is that they must be relevant to the main theme. Another point to remember according to My Homework Writers is to make your introduction effective by using straightforward language. Do not beat around the bush. Our online homework help website identifies that ninety percent of the students tend to do this. It is absolutely wrong.

  • Strong and Well-Supported Points

It is during your research that you get to decide what the main points of your persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle are going to be. In case one has problems generating main points, contact My Homework Writers for their online homework help. Developing points is no hard task. However, supporting those points has proven problematic to most students. It is fundamental that you acquire online homework help if it is a challenge to you. The best way to support your points is by using relevant examples or justifications from valid sources. When doing this, ensure that your examples or arguments are very specific. Do not beat around the bush when trying to explain your main point. My Homework Writers argues that this only makes your work wordy. Instead of being wordy, keep it simple and very straightforward.

  • A Well Organized Structure

My Homework Writers believe that structure is very important in your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. The organizing structure of the persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle should be present the work in a manner that creates flow. By this, I mean the work should be properly arranged from the introduction, body, to the conclusion. Additionally, the body must be subdivided into clear and uniform paragraphs.

Most online homework help websites acknowledge that a paragraph should be at least 6-9 sentences long. Moreover, it should contain a topic sentence, the supporting sentence, and finally the transition sentence. Besides all that, the student’s progression of ideas should be logical and well controlled. This order of importance is what tends to persuade the audience to believe your point of view. For help on how to come up with a good structure for your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle, contact My Homework Writers.

  • A Definite Conclusion

For years, most online homework help websites have made students believe that a strong conclusion is one that restates the thesis. Well, this is not true. According to My Homework Writers, a definite or strong conclusion is one that readdresses the thesis statement, in the light of all the justifications provided. This helps in the reader becoming convinced in your point of view. Therefore, the conclusion should be drawn from your logical arguments and the thesis statement.

persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle

One mistake students make is introducing new information in the conclusion. This is inaccurate and will only make your instructor deduct your marks. Thus, our online homework help website insists that you synthesize information that exists in your body. Review the topic, the thesis statement, and the main points to help you acquire an idea of how to write your conclusion. In case one needs online homework help on how to do so, My Homework Writers is available.

  • Varied Sentence Structure

A sentence according to all online homework help website is a building block of writing. A good sentence will reveal the fluency and flow of writing in your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle. Writers are always urged to use a variety of sentences in their essays. To begin with, there are various types of sentences. They include the simple, compound, and complex sentences. To understand what all these sentences mean, feel free to seek online homework help from My Homework Writers. A student is always urged to utilize all types of sentences in their paragraphs. This helps in breaking monotony as the reader is reading their persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle.

Let My Homework Writers Write Your Persuasive Essay about Healthy Lifestyle

My Homework Writers is a globally recognized persuasive assignment writing service that provides quality persuasive papers. We offer accurate online homework help to thousands of students on a daily basis. More so, our online homework help is available at any time of the day or night. This goes to mean that we are operational 24/7.  In addition to that, we have a team of experts majoring in writing persuasive essays.

They have undergone hiring and vetting protocols to ensure that they are qualified, skilled, and knowledgeable in writing any persuasive essay topic and under any time frame. Therefore, let not the deadline of your persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle hold you back. Our writers are skilled in writing a persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle in any time period without compromising the level of quality. Contact us now to get your persuasive essay about a healthy lifestyle.

persuasive essay about healthy lifestyle

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