Millennials Discussion Assignment | Homework Help Websites
Final paper 25 to 30 double spaced pages. Paper will be written in the third person and contain about 15 to 20 scholarly references or citations, which is the expectation for a project of this magnitude. Paper will contain a list of references or bibliography that will match the references or citations noted in the body of the paper. Paper must be scholarly, which means giving credit where due, being thorough and not cursory, and being grammatically correct. Paper must be presented in APA format. Need samples, studies, observations or survey examples. Has (2) due dates 2/15/19 for Literature Review and Final Paper due 3/2/19
Format for the final paper to be:
- Problem.
- Sub-Problems.
- Data and Sources used.
- Assumptions and Delimitations.
- Importance of this study.
- Hypothesis.
- Literature Review. due 2/15/19
- the Literature Review should include previous research in the general area, new ideas and perspectives, and numerous sources of data that support your point of view.
- Make sure you include the required Reference page(s) listing all cited works.
- You should have a minimum of 15 to 20 references and citations.
- Conclusions based on findings.
- Was the hypothesis supported or not by the research findings?
- Recommendations to Management based on this research.
- Final Paper due 3/2/19
Note academic research transitions should be throughout the paper must show applied research.