Leadership Behavior Assignment | Homework Help Websites

Synthesis is the act of creating something new from multiple existing entities. Synthesis of research is creating a new idea from existing ideas. It is a process developed through time and practice. In this assignment, you will apply the synthesis process to the course journal readings and your selected readings. As you synthesize, consider how leadership behavior influences leadership results. For example, leadership behaviors such as speech and mannerisms as well as what is not said or done effect followers profoundly in both their sense of value and their motivation.

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General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Refer to the annotated bibliography and outline you created in the Module 5 assignment along with the assignment feedback from your instructor.
  • Locate at least two additional, topically-related, empirical Use “Empirical Research Checklist” to guide your selection.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


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Locate the annotated bibliography and outline you created in the Module 5 assignment. Using the outline you developed, the information from the annotated bibliography, and the feedback provided by your instructor, write a paper (2,000-2,250 words) that synthesizes all three articles from the Module 5 annotated bibliography with the two (or more) topically-related, empirical articles you selected. Do that by including the following:

  1. A statement of at least three common themes addressed in all of the articles.
  2. A statement of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articles are taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message of the group of articles? Focus specifically on how leadership behaviorinfluences leadership results. How might identity, worldview, and socio-cultural group membership influence the behaviors that effective leaders exhibit?


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Synthesis Paper- Doctoral Identity

Jane Doe

Grand Canyon University: RES-811

October 31, 2018


Synthesis Paper- Doctoral Identity

Doctoral students face many challenges during the development of their doctoral identities.  A review of articles discusses and analyzescommon strategies in diverse ways that are beneficial to influencing a notable professional identity.Gardner (2009)discusses how success is measured using a diverse scale.  There are several factors used to determine success which aren’t solely based upon grade point average, but rather students successfully completing the program, and how they display their professionalism.  Smith and Hatmaker(2014) discusses how building relationships with faculty influences the success rate for doctoral students becoming independent scholars. Baker and Pifer(2011) discuss the critical point of instruction during Stage 2.  Students must find their own identities and develop relationships to transition into independent scholars for their dissertation process.  As students are transitioning to become doctoral students their style of writing is important.  There are two different styles of writing students must learn.  The first style is opinion-based writing.  This form of writing is created around the writer’s personal aspects.  It is used to persuade other’s to believe or think the same way they think. The second is research-based writing.  This method is favored when establishing a doctoral identity.  It requires research and is written to inform audiences.  The writings are based off analyzed results taken from a testing population.  Scholars attempting to establish a doctoral identity may benefit from reading other scholar’s journal articles.  The following presents a discussion of themes emerging from a review of empirical research examining factors of doctoral experiences that influence doctoral identity development.  Specifically, a discussion of common themes that emerged from across the review of literature is presented.  The presentation concludes with a summary of recommendations for future research and a brief overview of implications and applications of research outcomes across organizational contexts.   An overview and analysis of themes common across each of the studies is included: Academic Success, Relationships, and Professional Development.

Common Themes

The following presents a discussion of themes emerging from a review of literature examining factors within doctoral experiences that influence doctoral identity development.  An overview and analysis of themes common across each of the studies is included: Academic Success, Relationships, and Professional Development.

Academic Success

            Baker &Pifer (2011) expressed the importance of building relationships and interactions to build knowledge.  During their research they discovered that learning is greatly connected to creating an independent scholarly identity.  Socialization with professors and others studying similar passions is a sure way to improve learning.  Academic success can be measured by GPA for doctoral students, but not solely on this factor because students are expected to maintain a high grade point average.  There are other means of measuring success which are rention rates, degree completion, and related competencies.  Students must be able to withstand and persevere the difficulties associated with achieving a doctoral degree.  It is obvious once the degree is completed that alone symbolizes success.  Displaying knowledge of the chosen field weighs heavily to determine success.  Another key indicator in measuring success occurs once the student develops value and shows professionalism in their field of study (Gardner, 2009).Creating a schedule to focus on assignments, communicating with family members to explain the time needed to focus on school, reaching out to professors for help and guidance, not wait until the last minute to complete assignments which allows time to effectively communicate back and forth, and taking advantage of Grand Canyon University’s resources available such as their online library and librarians for assistance.  The textbook also states different resources to improve academic writing.  They are academic systems and support, communication and contact information, technology, comfort with scholarly journals, plagiarism checks, on-time submission, and careful reading of assignment instructions and review of rubrics.

All students do not understand the importance of developing relationships with faculty within and outside their university’s department area.  Making a connection with a professor(s) is a key factor to becoming a successful PhD student.  Experienced faculty members help to mold beginning writer’s mindsets to become independent scholars throughout their academic journey (Smith &Hatmaker, 2015).  Another strategy for academic success is becoming familiar with a writing style guide.  A style guide is used to help improve communication when writing scholarly articles.  The style helps to add structure, consistency, and balance.  Using APA styles helps enhance communication with readers because it creates a uniform article which easily helps to support the flow of self-owned ideas being backed up by previously done research, and it allows for easy citation and reference back to the original author to avoid plagiarism.

According to Mandernach, Zafonte, and Taylor (2016), specific strategies and resources that can be used to improve APA skills are taking a course to learn about the writing style, teaching strategies, support resources, feedback bank, and using a sample rubric.  Teaching strategies consists of students editing sample articles and discussing errors and ways to fix them.  Support resources may include sample work samples that can be found on the university’s website.  This can be extremely useful as it provides documentation that will most likely meet the requirements set by the instructor’s rubric.


Although relationships with advisors, professors, and school affiliates are needed, it is also important to build relationships with friends, family, and colleagues to help increase the chances of becoming successful as a scholar.  Having these relationships outside of professional networks have been proven to be a foundation to building a doctoral identity.  It helps gain the mental and physical support from family members because they will understand restricted schedules and unavailability (Baker &Pifer,2011).  Faculty and student relationships must be nurtured.  Advisors need to know and understand their student’s talents and abilities to better assist them and strengthen their areas of weakness.

Academic scholars may build relationships with other students that are on the same path to help influence their doctoral identity.  Interacting with students that have already written scholarly articles is a strategy to help guide and give direction when engaging in the publication process. Those students can be used as mentors (Gardner, 2009).  These relationships can also help increase social skills.  It presents the opportunity to engage in conversations with people that are on the same caliber of life thus enhancing a more comfortable tone.  This also allows for more individualized instruction to help increase understanding.  It allows the peer teacher to reinforce their own learning.

Smith and Hatmaker(2015) proved successful academic success based upon faculty relationships.  Socialization with more than one professor is needed when forming an independent identity.  This will increase the chances of having more one on one time because the student is able to gather helpful information from more than one person.  It’s a back-up method in case one professor is unavailable in case of an urgent situation.  It’s like the saying, “There is more than one way to milk a cow.”  It’s a good strategy to learn different ways to accomplish the same goal.  Students forming relationships with professors increases the chances of seeing their efforts noticed.  Professors will be more willing to assist if a student is familiar and seems genuinely motivated.  The professor will be more apt to give extra time to the student.  Motivation, participation, understanding of the subject matter, and effort are characteristics professors want to see in students.


Professional Development

            Baker and Pifer(2011) stated transitioning to become an independent scholar requires getting experience and interacting with mentors to gain insight.  Interning allows the opportunity to meet people in high places that can lead to networking for future jobs or positions.  This can have a positive impact on the intern because values and great work ethics can develop that can help form professional development.  Advanced students are also beneficial connections because they can share some of their success stories and failed attempts throughout their journey.  Advanced students and faculty can also influence professional development through critiquing.

Critique is used to help improve and grow a writer’s writing techniques.  Critique can play both a positive and negative role on a beginning scholar.  It can become a nerve wrecking process filled with intimidation and emotion to share writings with experienced scholars.  It’s the fear of getting torn apart and not feeling their writings are going to amount to expectations.  When choosing to have writings critiqued it is good to let both unfamiliar and familiar people give feedback.  It’s good for unfamiliar people because it keeps it from being so personal.  It’s good for familiar people because those people are aware of the writer’s story and are able to relate and understand the writer’s point of view better.  Every critique does not have to be accepted.  Just because the reader doesn’t agree doesn’t mean it isn’t correct. Receiving feedback shows the reader actually cares and wants to help.  It shows their concern and interest when they are willing to give thoughtful feedback.  Revising provides practice to make writings stronger and more effective.  Critiquing can positively contribute to a leaner’s academic success because it allows for communication to learn more about writing skills necessary to be a successful scholar, it can help make a stronger product, it can help guide the writer away from bad writing habits and practice good ones, and it provides the opportunity to accept criticism in a positive manner versus easily getting upset and arguing.  Critiquing can have a negative effect because it can cause emotional stress.  Cameron, Nairn, and Higgins (2009) stated in their article that criticism can lead to scholars feeling dread and self-doubt.  It can be intimidating to have experts per say judging rookie work.  However, once the emotional aspects are under control there are more benefits than negative ones associated with receiving constructive criticism.

Gardner (2009) focused more on valuing self-worth throughout the transition to becoming an independent scholar.  It is important to depend upon self-motivation and determination.  Taking the initiative to learn and complete tasks all starts within.  Becoming an independent writer requires original creating writing once the research has been studied.  Without the self-directed desire and passion, assignments will lack and the outcome will not be as great.It is essential to always take initiative to get tasks complete and avoid procrastination.  Passion is a driving force to be successful; however, there will be times when passion runs low and the urge to suppress has to override.  That’s the importance of being a self-directed person.  Having the desire to carry on and produce even when the times get hard helps influence a firm professional development.

Becoming an independent scholar consists of reading and consuming research and utilizing that information to influence one’s own creative writings. The time spent during prior stages of studying (first year of coursework, coursework to candidacy, candidacy to dissertation) helps develop and set the tone of the transition stage of becoming an independent scholar (Smith &Hatmaker, 2015).A review of literature states personal perspectives are often incorporated, but doing so results in bias and opinioned research study (Banaszewski, 2014).  As professional development is accruing it is important to keep information research based and not focus on personal beliefs and feelings.  This will help our works gain more credibility and readers will trust our works for their own beneficial purposes.


In conclusion, the three reviews of literature enlighten readers by focusing on academic success, building relationships, and professional identity.To become a successful doctoral student, it is important to gain as much information and material to complete the program.  It is beneficial to rely on and build relationships with mentors throughout the doctoral process.  Experienced scholars are heavily dependent on to help influence a doctoral identity.  They are able to give personal indebt insight and guidance to help ease the mixed emotions of frustration, feeling lost and confused, and they will be able to give an outline to help mentally show the end expected results.  Setting the tone with scholarly vocabulary and critical thinking skills are both characteristics needed to establishing a doctoral identity.  Constant engagement and communication with elite scholars can influence the possibility of one day becoming a successful doctoral graduate.

Recommendations for Future Research

Future Research should seek to assign a mentor to each doctoral student to ensure more one on one learning and increase of understanding.  The mentor will be able to discuss different components of the process to help increase the success rate for graduating doctoral students.  Research proves how relationships with faculty and fellow students help to influence the doctoral identity.  Students will be able to learn new material on a more differentiated style that is unique to their learning preference.

Implications for Practice

         Today’s society is rapidly increasing with new forms of technology.  Students will not have to learn from mentors the traditional way.  They will be able to utilize Facetime, Skype, Social Media, Blogging, Group Chats, and other modern day online technology.  In a study conducted by Rossett and Marino (2005) (as cited in Bennett, 2010) they identified the benefits of using technology as a source of coaching.  It enables interaction between the student and coach regardless of their locations and the time of day, and students are able to receive help from more than one mentor.Griffiths and Miller (2005) (as cited in Bennett, 2010) also saw several benefits to e-coaching that are similar to traditional face-to face instruction.  Students were found to feel more valued, their individual thoughts and ideas were taken into consideration, the mentor was able to address student’s concerns, modeling communication and expectations were displayed to contribute to online etiquette, and it allowed students in a group discussion to feel more in involved because they were identified by their names



Baker, V. L., &Pifer, M. J. (2011).The role of relationships in the transition from doctor to            independent scholar. Studies in Continuing Education, 33(1), 5-17.

Banaszewski, C. (2014).  Effective research. In DiVincenzo (Ed.), Find your purpose: The path   to a successful doctoral experience.  Phoenix, AZ: Grand Canyon University.  Retrieved   from https://lc.gcumedia.com/res811/gcu-doctoral-research-the-purposeful-path-to-a-   successful-dissertation/v2.1/#/chapter/7

Bennett, Rik (2010, September).  The Role of Technology in the Mentoring and Coaching of        Teachers.Retrieved from https://www.irisconnect.com/us/wp-      content/uploads/sites/3//2014/08/the-role-of-technology-in-mentoring-and-coachingfinal-      1-33.pdf

Cameron, J.; Nairn, K.; &Higginss J. (2009). Demystifying Academic Writing:

Reflections on Emotions, Know-How and Academic Identity.Journal of Geography in     Higher Education, 33 (2), pp. 269-284.

Gardner, S. K. (2009). Conceptualizing success in doctoral education: Perspectives of faculty in   seven disciplines. The Review of Higher Education, 32(3), 383-406.

Manderlach, B.J.; Zafonte, M.; & Taylor, C. (2016).Instructional Strategies to Improve College    Students’ APA Style Writing. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher

            Education, 27 (3), pp. 407-412.

Smith, A. E., &Hatmaker, D. M. (2014). Knowing, doing, and becoming: Professional identity     construction among public affairs doctoral students. Journal of Public Affairs                 Education, 20(4), 545-564.



Locate the annotated bibliography and outline you created in the Module 5 assignment. Using the outline you developed, the information from the annotated bibliography, and the feedback provided by your instructor, write a paper (2,000-2,250 words) that synthesizes all three articles from the Module 5 annotated bibliography with the two (or more) topically-related, empirical articles you selected. Do that by including the following:

  1. A statement of at least three common themes addressed in all of the articles.
  2. A statement of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articles are taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message of the group of articles? Focus specifically on how leadership behaviorinfluences leadership results. How might identity, worldview, and socio-cultural group membership influence the behaviors that effective leaders exhibit?







Synthesis Paper- Leadership Behavior

Jane Doe

Grand Canyon University: LDR-802

January 23, 2019



Synthesis Paper- Leadership Behavior


After reviewing several peer-reviewed articles and researching leadership behaviors, it is evident a leader must possess great skills to manage an organization’s objectives. The type of leadership behavior has a significant impact on the performance of followers. The most common leadership behavior includes visionary leadership, servant leadership, and transformational leadership. The three have leadership and performance, leadership environment and leadership relationship distinct differences and similarities and are uniquely profitable for follower performance and organizational growth. The type of leadership style used by a leader is a significant influence on the behavior of followers. Each leadership behavior is defined on the basis of the performance outcome. A leader must portray specific qualities and skills essential for manipulation of the follower’s efforts towards a common objective.

Common Themes

            The following presents a discussion of themes emerging from a review of literature examining factors within current research that influencesleadership behavior development.  An overview and analysis of themes common across each of the studies suggests constructive leadership behavior influences leadership and performance, leadership environment, and leadership relationship.

Leadership and Performance

A servant leader is a leader with a set of unique qualities aimed at enriching the lives the followers while establishing a constructive effort towards achieving an organization’s goal.Leadership and performance is important in leadership behavior because….

  1. What is the role of leadership and performance in leadership behaviors?
  2. What is the influence of leadership and performance on leadership outcomes?

Anshar (2017) highlights some of the basic leadership qualities that influence the behavioral performance of followers. According to him, a visionary leader will initiate learning and innovation amongst the followers enhancing their performance.

In his articles, Huang, Wang, and Xie (2014) explores the role of leadership identification and how it impacts reputation and ultimate performance basing on the leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior models. The relationship between leader-member exchange and leadership identification has a significant impact on performance.

Leadership qualities are intertwined with basic skills and practices for an individual. According to Van Dierendonck, Stam, Boersma, De Windt, and Alkema there is a significant relationship between a transformational leader and servant leader. The key differences and similarities between two are outlined on the basis of the performance matrix.

Leadership Environment

Leadership environment is one of the most important drivers for leadership performance. The leadership environment provides the basis for employee relation and realization of the organization’s objectives.

  1. What is the role of leadership environment in leadership behaviors?
  2. What is the influence of leadership environment on leadership outcomes?

Anshar (2017) confirms that there is a significant relationship between leadership performance and leadership environment. According to him environmental suitability provides an opportunity for implementation of visionary leadership objectives which are composed of organizational learning and innovative behavior.

Huang (2014) notes that the relationship between leadership identification to the leader-member exchange is determined by the organizational environment. The leadership environment provides a robust synergy for leadership performance.

Servant leadership and transformation leadership are mechanized on the basis of environmental certainty. Each leadership behavior is significantly influenced by the organizational environment.

Leadership Relationship

Leadership behavior has distinct similarities and differences.  A leadership behavior is defined on the basis of leadership skills and experiences with regard to objective drive for the leadership practices basing on the organization’s values.

  1. What is the role leadership relationship in leadership behaviors?
  2. What is the influence of leadership relationship on leadership outcomes?

Anshar (2017) explores some of the relationships between visionary leadership, learning organization, and innovative behavior. According to him, a visionary leader must exhibit a learning organization and innovative behavior in order to influence the follower’s performance.

Leadership identification is one critical leadership practice that helps to measure leadership performance and reputation. For effective identification of a leader, Haung et al. (2014) explores the relationship between leader-member exchange and organization citizenship behavior as the key contributing factors for leadership performance.

There is distinct relationship between servant leadership and transformational leadership. The two are measured on the basis of significant difference and similarities.


            The subject of leadership is a comprehensive topic that generates self-examination and purported evaluation to ascertain the basic concept of quality leadership. Leadership performance can be measured basing on the organization’s objectives and the expected outcome. However, the leadership style has a significant influence on leadership performance and the ultimate outcome.

o          Summary of the Presentation: The previous discussion examined characteristics of leader behaviors that influence leadership outcomes. A summary of key points follows and concludes with recommendations for future research and implications for practice.

o          Revisit the key points from the discussion of the three themes.

o          Recommendations for future research.

o          Discussion or Implications for Practice

Recommendations for Future Research

Future Research should

  1. Recommendations for future research: how do these recommendations advance an understanding of leadershipbehavior out of which this discussion comes?
  2. Discussion:How do the research conclusions or discussion points WE’VE IDENTIFIED in our analysis, potentially change the way in which leadership behaviors attend to organizational outcomes and help followers advance their sense of who they are as members of an organizational collective?
  3. Discussion:How do the research conclusions or discussion points WE’VE IDENTIFIED in our analysis, perhaps texture how organizations are constructed and lead in an increasingly digital age with a transitioning workforce across generational demographics?



Implications for Practice

This suggested




Anshar, M. (2017).The impact of visionary leadership, learning organization and innovative behavior to performance of customs and excise functional.IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management), 1(02), 52-60.

Huang, J., Wang, L., &Xie, J. (2014). Leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior: The roles of identification with leader and leader’s reputation. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 42(10), 1699-1711.

Van Dierendonck, D., Stam, D., Boersma, P., De Windt, N., & Alkema, J. (2014).Same difference?Exploring the differential mechanisms linking servant leadership and transformational leadership to follower outcomes.The Leadership Quarterly, 25(3), 544-562.


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