How to Prevent Global Warming Essay | Best Assignment Help Website

Undeniably, this is the best topic you can have for your assignment. For some time now, we have had some few cases of students who want us to guide them on how to write an essay about the prevention of global warming. As the best assignment help website, we understand how important this essay is to your final grade. For that reason, here is what you need to know regarding how to prevent global warming essay.

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Climate change is a grave issue that is affecting people across the globe. Different countries are using diverse mechanisms to prevent global warming.  While some people argue that global warming is impossible to stop, we can have measures in place to prevent it.  When preparing to write your how to prevent global essay, consider having facts and enough information from different sources to support your points.

What is Global warming?

how to prevent global warming essay

The Earth is a dynamic, continually changing condition in which the hydrosphere, climate, and biosphere all associate. When one changes marginally, the impact spreads across all through the circles. According to the best assignment help website, people need to comprehend that the change they cause can have a potential for dreadful effects on the earth. From infusing the air with ozone-depleting substance, or deforestation, all the unnatural things done to the earth will have an unnatural influence hence the need for our intervention. Therefore, we as people have a moral commitment to decrease the earth temperatures that result in gas emissions to the atmosphere.

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As the best assignment help website, we believe that global warming can be history if we implement a few changes on how we live. Some of those changes may include changing our methods of transportation, planting of trees, support climate change initiatives, recycling usable resources among many others. Like My Homework Writers, you can start your how to prevent global warming essay by defining global warming. There are many ways you can address this type of essay. You may choose to discuss each measure independently or do it on your way. Important is that you should support your ideas with statistics and enough academic materials.

Quick Tips for Starting your How to Prevent Global Warming Essay

As professional experts, we advise students to plan properly before they start to write a how to prevent global warming essay. What exactly do we mean here as My Homework Writers? Well, the three tips below will prepare you to start your assignment on how to prevent global warming essay.

how to prevent global warming essay

Undeniably, this is the easiest essay that you attain high marks and at the same time low marks depending on how you tackle the topic. My Homework writers experts conducted an in-depth study on the internet and the result of what we discovered was very interesting- regarding how to prevent global warming essay. Less than three people have a solid idea on what to cover when writing how to prevent global warming essay.

Therefore, as the best assignment help website, we have made the following information available to you. The information can help you as you prepare to write how to prevent global warming essay for your assignment. Our concern is that you get an impressive grade and at the same time get to understand more about the topic. For your sake, read on to understand how to go through such an essay.

  1. Narrow Down the Topic

Before rushing to do anything, try to interpret the topic to get a rough idea on what you are writing about. According to the best assignment help website, global warming is a very large topic.  Therefore, you must center your writing on how to prevent it rather than writing generally. In our case, the topic is a little more specific meaning you will direct all your research on prevention mechanisms.

  1. Research the Topic

Remember, global warming is a scientific topic. Do a quick research on the internet or your school library to further have more ideas on how to write you a how to prevent global warming essay. This time, be careful on how you type your keyword on the search bar. Otherwise, you may end up deviating from your topic, making it difficult to write. In case you did not know, the much you spend your time understanding the topic, the easier and fast it becomes when you finally start to write your essay paper.  However, be warned of using unreliable sources.  As per the best assignment help website, a lot of research is not necessary.

how to prevent global warming essay

Important is to get the facts right and you are good to go when writing you a how to prevent global warming essay. Though, that does not mean you are to use Wikipedia and other .com sites. In addition, gather your sources properly during your search because you will need them when writing a reference or bibliography page. This is the best practice for us in the best assignment help website when writing a how to prevent global warming essay.

  1. Arrange your Ideas

When through with your research, unscramble your ideas.  It is a good practice to write down the points you find helpful for your essay while researching on the internet. This way, you get a bigger picture of how to go through your how to prevent global warming essay. But how can you unscramble your facts? It is simple. First, just write down an outline specifically addressing the prevention part of global warming. Second, try to develop your original ideas concerning how to prevent global warming. It is simple; just develop your ideas from the scientific data you have already gathered from your research as seen in the best assignment help website.

  1. Develop your Thesis Statement

Finally, develop your thesis statement from the topic-related ideas you have already gathered from the above three steps. You can adopt the best practices for writing a strong thesis from our blog in My Homework Writers to earn full credit. Ensure your thesis statement is provoking enough to stimulate a discussion on how we should prevent global warming. With a strong ensure, be rest assured that you a how to prevent global warming essay will earn you full credit; because you will have a guideline exactly as ours in best assignment help website on what to discuss in your whole essay.

Parts of a How to Prevent Global Warming Essay

Like in any type of essay, your how to prevent global essay should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Do not complicate yourself as you might end up deviating from your focus. Therefore, you need to be plan well and address each part with enough evidence from journals and all academic resources. Read on to understand what best assignment help website does.


Your how to prevent global warming essay should be exciting to read. You can begin the essay with a catch paragraph to set the tone of your essay. Talk precisely about the prevention measures we need to implement to stop global warming. According to the best assignment help website, the last sentence of your introduction should include a thesis statement that clearly states the measures to implement in order to prevent global warming. Precisely, give your readers a reason to continue reading your essay to the end.

Pro Tips

  • Begin your essay with few sentences explaining measures of preventing global warming. This way, you will have boosted your awareness on the topic and avoid criticism
  • Include an attention grabber in your introduction. For example, you can have a question or something catchy in your how to prevent global warming essay, but again it should make sense
  • Include some background information and summary in your how to prevent global warming essay; around 2-3 sentences
  • Make sure you have a very strong thesis statement


Here is where you will have to expound on the measures of preventing global warming. As the best assignment help website, we advise you make use of the research materials and all the notes you had written during your search. Suppose you had gathered five points, dedicate each paragraph for each measure. Make sure you discuss each point in detail and support it with enough evidence from scholarly and academic materials. Though, it is very important that you arrange your ideas from the most relevant to the least one in your how to prevent global warming essay.

how to prevent global warming essay

Points to Discuss

Some of the points that you can discuss in a how to prevent global warming essay include:

  • Using less heat air conditioning- Prove to your reader that you understand that lowering heat reduces the amount of energy and the long run impacts on global warming.
  • Changing heat bulbs
  • Purchasing energy efficient products- Explain how buying energy efficient helps in controlling global warming. With energy efficient products, less heat is released to the atmosphere, which is good in the prevention of global warming.
  • Planting of trees- We as the best assignment help website, we believe that planting trees is the most recommendable measure of preventing global warming. Illustrate how plants give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide, in the end, preventing global warming.
  • Encouraging others to conserve the environment
  • Reducing water wastage

Pro Tips: Cut the chase and write your actual how to prevent global warming essay

Do not accept to fail in this how to prevent global essay because there are a lot more points to cover. You can look for more points by doing further research. That is if you find the above points not sufficient for your essay assignment. As the best assignment help website, My Homework writers, for instance, can explain the point of recycling and deforestation as shown below.


You should explain in your how to prevent global warming essay in detail how recycling helps to prevent global warming. According to the best assignment help website, you can mention for instance that, recycling helps to save up to 2400 pounds of carbon dioxide per day.

Cutting trees

To make your essay strong consider explaining how the cutting of trees affects climate change or how it causes global warming. For instance, you can mention that each year, close 30million acres of land occupying trees in the world are either harvested or cut down for charcoal and other activities.  Therefore, in your how to prevent global warming essay, suggest other means like purchasing furniture or used goods already.

We as the best assignment help website, we try to feed you with the right information that can help you to complete your how to prevent global warming essay. Precisely, be detailed and support your points with enough evidence.  If you can really arrange your ideas as illustrated above, then you are guaranteed a good grade in your how to prevent global warming essay.


After you are done with the body, you can proceed to the conclusion. In conclusion, give a summary of what you have discussed in the body. You can pick some few points like that of planting of trees or recycling and suggest a way forward in preventing global warming. To have a good ending, ensure you create traction in your instructor’s memory. It should one that that connects with the thesis statement.  However, be warned. Never reword your thesis statement in the conclusion.  You only need to restate it to create an impact on their mind as we do in best assignment help website. Again, if possible, include a call to action to make it perfect like in best assignment help website.

Pro Tip:  Your conclusion should sum up all the points discussed in the body and should be a memorable message to your reader.

Sample Paper on How to Prevent Global Warming Essay

Here is a short sample of how you can write a how to prevent global warming essay as drafted by the best assignment help website;

Studies report that a dangerous atmospheric deviation has been rising since the Industrial Revolution. For that reason, governments are endeavoring to decrease carbon-dioxide outflows. With the current rate at which the earth is damaging, many species in the world may not be able to survive in the coming days. To explain this risk, we need to decrease the utilization of vitality and utilize the elective vitality assets. On the off chance that we compute the present vitality value, elective vitality must be more costly than petroleum derivatives. In any case, we ought to consider the negative value, which is bringing about global warming or climate change. In my essay, I seek to propose the following few arrangements that can help to prevent global warming: (1) diminish the utilization of non-renewable energy sources; (2) adopting alternative energy sources; (3) planting trees (4) recycling usable materials among many others.

Diminish the Utilization of Fossil Fuels

Vehicles are among the leading producers of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Many studies argue so because one gallon of burned gasoline releases close to six pounds of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (Demirbas et al., 2004).  Therefore, the automobile industry must design vehicles that do not use fossil fuels. Developed countries like the United States are moving to more sophisticated vehicles that do not use petroleum products. For instance, they are proposing to have electric cars. The vehicles will help to conserve the environment, which will later prevent global warming. Therefore, if countries can limit or even ban fossil fuels, the world will be a better place to stay. Even though it may take time to reach the full implantation, there is still need to act in advance for the sake of our future.

Responsible authorities and other environmental bodies should create policies that prohibit or regulates excessive use of coal, oil, and gas. These are the most common fossil fuels used across the globe especially in underdeveloped states. Close to three-quarters of the energy demands in the globe are fulfilled by fossil fuels. Otherwise, people will continue with the aerobic decomposition. In the long run, the process will increases the presence of high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the end results will be horrible in the coming years. No country is willing to spend more on hospital insurance because of cancer and other ailments that develop because of ultraviolet light (Holick, 2016).

Adopting Alternative Energy Sources

Obviously, prescribing atomic power as an elective vitality asset is not a perfect idea. The facts are that numerous individuals have encountered calamities and nuclear bombing trying to implement in their countries. For that matter, there are different choices, for example, wind control, tidal power, and sun based power. Numerous individuals trust that these are costly, but they can help to prevent global warming (Grothmann & Patt, 2005). Why not compute the expense of a worldwide temperature alteration into the cost of utilizing petroleum derivatives? Which is less expensive?

In some technologically advanced nations, those trial control sources have prevailing impacts. In the event that a country wants to force charges on petroleum derivatives, it will harmonize the costs we are going to pay to reconstruct our planet (Messerlin, 2010). Therefore, adopting alternative sources of energy is a way to go. Besides, different states will be anxious to change their utilization of non-renewable energy sources to new elective vitality assets.

Planting Trees

Unlike other methods, planting of trees is among the best ways a country can prevent global warming. Trees release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Researchers from different parts of the world have ascertained that each year, close 30million acres of land occupying trees in the world are either harvested or cut down for charcoal and other activities (Hecht & Cockburn, 2010). Therefore, instead of deforestation, countries or individuals can plant more tries to help in the circulation of the gasses. The latest information discharged by the UN’s Nourishment and Agribusiness Association recommends that estate woods involved an expected 7% of worldwide timberland region in 2010 (Lambin et al., 2011).

Every country is struggling to reach the central sustainability of conserving forest ecosystems. While most governments are fighting the problem of low food production, it is making it difficult for them to confront economic globalization. In fact, even developing countries are struggling with deforestation, which is the major cause of global warming. Creating sound policies to conserve forests will help in a great deal to prevent global warming (Lambin et al., 2011).

Recycling Usable Materials

Waste management can be a great way to deal with global warming in a country. Leaving the materials on the surface of the earth pollutes the environment. On decomposing, the materials release a lot of heat and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (Mouritz et al, 2006). Thus, recycling of usable materials can help to control global warming. For example, you can reuse water to save the energy for pumping the water, heating it, and even treating the same water.  Governments and responsible authorities should take the initiative of educating people on this in order to regulate climate change.

Interestingly, a report by EPA approximated that if 100 American homes are to start recycling and using efficient water fixtures, the country will be able to save up to 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per in a year.  In the long end, it will help to prevent close to 80,000 tons of global warming pollution (Griffiths-Sattenspiel & Wilson, 2009). Therefore, this practice is worth it especially if a country is ready to control or even prevent global warming.


Griffiths-Sattenspiel, B., & Wilson, W. (2009). The carbon footprint of water. River Network, Portland.

Mouritz, A. P., Mathys, Z., & Gibson, A. G. (2006). Heat release of polymer composites in fire. Composites Part A: Applied science and manufacturing37(7), 1040-1054.

Lambin, E. F., & Meyfroidt, P. (2011). Global land use change, economic globalization, and the looming land scarcity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences108(9), 3465-3472.

Hecht, S. B., & Cockburn, A. (2010). The fate of the forest: developers, destroyers, and defenders of the Amazon. University of Chicago Press.

Grothmann, T., & Patt, A. (2005). Adaptive capacity and human cognition: the process of individual adaptation to climate change. Global Environmental Change15(3), 199-213.

Messerlin, P. A. (2010). Climate change and trade policy: From mutual destruction to mutual support. The World Bank.

Demirbas, A., Sahin-Demirbas, A., & Hilal Demirbas, A. (2004). Global energy sources, energy usage, and future developments. Energy Sources26(3), 191-204.

Holick, M. F. (2016). Biological effects of sunlight, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation and vitamin D for health. Anticancer research36(3), 1345-1356.

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