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Box Station, Inc. Mission Statement
To provide our customers products that are a balance of quality and expense in gaming entertainment.
Import Program that brings inexpensive electronics from China.
– This will maximize the company’s profit margin while keeping the final product at a low cost to the customer.
– The cost of the electronics and import fees are well below those of having the products made within the U.S.
Interstate Commerce Program tends to hire foreign workers.
– The cost of hiring foreign workers is lower than hiring local workers
– No benefits such as medical/dental, paid time off, or set hours are used.
– Workers routinely work late hours loading and unloading trucks, driving trucks containing shipments across the country with minimal breaks between shipments, and rarely complain about working conditions.
14 Warehouses Nationwide sitting on 40 acres of land at each one
400 truck/trailers for transporting goods
28 small vehicles
6 forklifts at each location
13,000 employees (two Senior Executives at each site, 4 Managers at each site, and the rest are employees/workers)
13,500 desktop computers
1,200 Desk phones
3,000 Cellular phones
Intranet (One server at your location, 2 copiers at each location, 1 color printer at each location with 5 total printers at each location)
Normal office furnishings
Current Countermeasures
– 6 foot chain link fence surrounding each property with a guard shack at two entrances on each property
– Guard shack is manned with one unarmed guard 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
FBI Domestic Extremists Report
Buy American Direct (BAD)
Founded in 2002 and located throughout the U.S., BAD has approximately 10,000 members and is reportedly dedicated to stopping the import of Chinese products into the U.S. They have been known to use violence and destroy property in attempts to assert their influence. Many of their members are convicted felons of assault, extortion, drugs, fraud, firearms, and explosives laws. Nearly half of their members hold advanced degrees in Accounting, International Economics, Horticulture, IT Systems, and Business Administration.
BAD is very well funded and is assessed by the Drug Enforcement Administration as one of the leading marijuana growers and distributors throughout the U.S.; with an annual income estimated to be around $3 Million.
Local Sheriff’s Office Incident Report
Yesterday three 24 foot center console fishing boats were stolen from Wilson Marine. WILSON arrived at the business at 6:30 a.m. to open and noticed the gate to the storage yard had been smashed and three boats were missing. All three boats were described as 24 Foot Center Console Fish Reaper boats with twin 300 hp engines on each. Each boat was valued at $84,000. Two of the boats were white with green pin striping and one was white with a large blue stripe. All three have sleeping quarters below the main deck. WILSON has notified his insurance provider.
Patrol Officer Ben Katchenum
Local Sheriff’s Office Incident Report 002-2015
This morning Deputy James Fuller observed a suspicious vehicle parked on an empty street aimed in the general direction of Box Station, Inc., with two occupants in the vehicle. Deputy Fuller approached the vehicle and requested identification from both occupants. The occupants were identified as Richard Parsons and Robert Jackson. Although Parson had quite an extensive previous arrest record there were no active warrants. Jackson claimed to be the president of some kind of activist group. Both were told to leave the area and they departed without incident.
Deputy James Fuller
City Police Department Incident Report 003-2015
Today a local bar owner, Mr. Pedro Sanchez, 123 Central Ave., Yourtown, ST reported a loud and boisterous patron had to be removed by security approximately one month ago after getting very drunk and loud. Sanchez went on to say that this was not unusual but the thing he thought was odd about this guy was that he started off the evening asking the waiting staff if they knew where the Box Station, Inc. employees had their uniforms cleaned. Sanchez thought this was really odd but got too busy to look further into it and eventually forgot about it until yesterday when a different person came into the bar asking the same type of questions. This time it was a blonde female and she was asking about what kind of identification cards are needed to get into the Box Station, Inc. facility. Sanchez said once his employees told him about this he immediately called the police. Sanchez also reported that the female had departed the bar just a few minutes before the police arrived. He believed she might have been driving a blue sports car.
Interview of Mr. Larry Johnson, Network Administrator, Box Station, Inc.
Johnson was interviewed and stated that Box Station, Inc. has the most up to date and advanced network infrastructure available with state of the art firewalls, encryption, and virus protection programs. He is notified immediately of any unauthorized attempts to gain access to their network and he is the person that approves what employees need access to the network. Box Station, Inc. uses a Network Encryption Access Card (NEAC) for employees that require access to their network. A personalized PIN is required along with the NEAC in order to log on. If an employee’s NEAC becomes missing they are required to report to Johnson within 24 hours so he can disable the missing card. A few cards have gone missing recently and there were several unsuccessful attempts to gain access to the network.
Your Name Here
Interview of Officer Steve Ward, State Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Division
Officer Ward stated there had been a lot of boating activity on the river immediately behind Box Station, Inc., recently. He believed this was odd because of the time of year. Usually all he sees this time of year are duck hunter in blinds but recently he has observed several fishermen spending a lot of time anchored in the river between 100 – 250 yards away from Box Station, Inc. The oddest thing Officer Ward had observed was that the fishermen did not have any bait on their hooks.
Your Name
Massachusetts Highway Patrol Incident Report
This morning Trooper Michelle Smith, Massachusetts Highway Patrol, stopped a rental moving van for speeding. Upon approaching the driver, she noticed the vehicle license plate was expired. Trooper Smith requested a Driver’s License, Registration, and Bill of Laden from the Driver. The driver could not produce a vehicle registration or Bill of Laden and began exhibiting nervous behavior. Trooper Smith decided to search the vehicle and discovered 2000 pounds of T-N-T in the back of the vehicle.
Trooper Smith arrested the driver and he subsequently confessed that he was transporting the explosives to your town to blow up a distribution warehouse of a company that imports Chinese products.
Trooper Michelle Smith
National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Interstate Identification Index (III)
Jackson, Robert N.
DOB: 02/01/1970
Arrest Record: None
No Record on File
End of Report
National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Interstate Identification Index (III)
Parsons, Richard S.
DOB: 01/01/1962
Arrest History:
02/01/1989 Witchita, KS Theft of Explosives
03/27/1994 Baltimore, MD Criminal Trespass
02/26/1995 Miami, FL Aggravated Assault
10/11/1998 Macon, GA Possession of Controlled Substance
04/02/2000 Acron, OH Possession with Intent to Distribute
04/19/2000 Cleveland, OH Possession of Explosives (No Permit)
08/11/2005 Manchester, NH Assault, Kidnapping, Possession of
Automatic Weapon by Felon
01/22/2014 Newark, NJ Jaywalking
No further records or information.
End of Report
Other Investigative Activities
You contacted several Box Station, Inc. warehouses around the U.S. and discovered through interviews of Box Station, Inc. employees and officers on those jurisdictions that there had not been any odd activities or suspicious acts at their locations.
You contacted the FBI in your town and requested they check to see if the FBI had any record of suspicious activities or threats against Box Station, Inc. other than the one you are currently working on. They called back and said there were no other records of suspicious acts or threats. The FBI reports the terrorist threat level for the U.S. is Moderate.
You contacted the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security and they indicated the current threat level in the U.S. was Elevated.
Suspicious Activity Report 201X-001
Two months ago a suspicious letter was sent to Box Station Entertainment, Inc., indicating the authors were disgruntled with the company’s support of foreign trade between the U.S. and China. Within the letter the group, called Buy American Direct, said they would stop the import of Box Station games by “destroying” distribution warehouses within the U.S.
ATF Report of Stolen Explosives
Two weeks ago Builders Inc., a nationwide construction company, had 2000 pounds of dynamite stolen from a construction site located approximately 45 miles away from your town. The site manager stated the explosives are inventoried daily and kept inside a blast proof vault under lock and key. The lock had been smashed and 2000 pounds of T-N-T was missing.
Special Agent Marcus Williams
Suspicious Activity Report 201X-002
Last month the General Manager, Mr David Smith of Box Station Entertainment, Inc., reported to the local Sheriff’s Office that there had been several attempts over the last few months of suspicious people trying to circumvent security at their entrance gate in order to gain access to the facility that is located in your county. He provided a general description of the individuals in which did not provide any distinguishing features that would help law enforcement identify who they were. Smith did not think much of these attempts until he began getting reports from employees of suspicious vehicles parked along the street near the company gates at certain times of the day. Employees had reported a large black passenger van with tinted windows on several occasions and a bright red moving van on three occasions. On every occasion, employees noticed either the driver or the driver and a passenger watching the Box Station entrance gate with binoculars.
Suspicious Activity Report 201X-003
Two days ago the system administrator for Box Station, Inc., Larry Johnson, reported to the State Police Cyber Investigations that three employees’ network encryption access cards had been stolen and he had received numerous network notifications for the last week of unauthorized access attempts to the network. Johnson explained that to gain access to the company’s network, an encryption card must be inserted into the computer and an access code typed into the network. Johnson explained that all of the company’s shipment schedules and locations are located on their network.