Final Essay Assignment | Homework Help Websites
In this course, we have read many works of literature from the modern era. However, it is impossible to cover every meaningful work in just eight weeks. Therefore, it is your turn to decide what literary works should be included in LITR202. You may choose to include works that we have read this semester, and you may choose to include additional works of literature that we did not discuss. Did this course ignore a country, a genre, or an author? Create a literary canon that fills those holes. There are a few rules, though.
1) Your essay must include at least four literary works from at least two different countries. These works must have been written during the modern era. These works can be poems, plays, novels, and short stories; however, these works may NOT be films. Most of the literary works should come from this course.
2) Your essay must be five to six pages long and contain at least three peer-reviewed articles. The three peer-reviewed articles is a minimum requirement. To achieve a higher score, you should find a peer-reviewed article for each of the literary works you have decided to include in your essay. Also, you must find a scholarly source that directly focuses on your chosen work(s) that we did not read in this course.