Economy Paper Assignment | Homework Help Websites
Based on the readings 3) through 7) in the coursepack (i.e. from CP-3 to CP-7), please answer the following three questions:
1) How does capitalism compare with pre-capitalist economic systems with respect to the organization of the economy?
Discuss: a) the role of markets VS alternative institutional mechanisms (i.e. householding, reciprocity, redistribution or tradition & command), and b) the relationship between the economy and the society (i.e. embedded/disembedded economies).
2) How does the feudal ideology compare with the ideology of capitalism? Include in your answer a discussion of the following aspects: a) motives of economic behavior (i.e. material gain VS other drivers); b) price determination (i.e. “just price” VS market price); c) organization of manufacturing production (guilds VS capitalist enterprises); d) economic targets (i.e. social cohesion/reproduction of the system VS profits/economic growth).
3) What can you say about the social/economic/political/environmental changes brought about by capitalism? (Please do not repeat your answer to question 1); base your answer on CP-7).
§ Your answers should be typed (Font: Times New Roman; Line spacing: double; margins: 1”). Each answer should be around 350 words;
§ Be accurate and precise in the presentation of your arguments and avoid the use of informal expression. Written assignments at the college require accuracy in word selection and sentence formulation. A written assignment should use a different language than the language you use in daily conversations;
§ In each answer, make specific references to the content of ALL required readings (when appropriate, references can also consist of direct quotes. In this case, the quote needs to be accompanied with the page number of the relevant reading). References should be in-text.
Title in Upper and Lower Case
Your Name
Chamberlain College of Nursing
Course Number: Course Name
Term Month and Year
Title of your Paper in Upper and Lower Case (Centered, not Bold)
Type your introduction here and remove the instructions. Although the first paragraph after the paper title is the introduction, no heading labeled “Introduction” is used. Refer to your assignment guidelines for the headings to be used for the body of the paper. See the APA file in Course Resources for additional writing resources such as the APA Annotated Paper and theChamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.
Level OnePaper Heading (Bold and centered)
Begin to type the body of yourpaper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed to cover the content appropriately.
Level Two Heading (If required) (Bold and starts at left margin)
Type additional content here if a section with a subheading is needed.
Next Level Two Heading
Continue to add support for your purpose.
Level three heading. (If required) (Indented, boldface, uppercase first letter then lowercase with period.)Text follows immediately after the period.
Next Level 1Heading
Levels of headings will depend on the length and organization of your paper. Use as many headings as necessary to organize your paper. Short papers may only have first-level headings. Longer papers may require more organizational detail. See your APA Manual for additionalinstructions on formatting multiple levels of headings.
Papers should end with a conclusion or summary. The assignment directions will specify which is required. It should be concise and contain little or no detail. No matter how much space remains on the page, the references always start on a separate page (insert a page break after the conclusion so that the references will start on a new page).
References (centered, not bold)
Type your references in alphabetical order here using hanging indents. See your APA Manual and the resources in your APA folder in Course Resources for reference formatting.