Daisy Arabella Assignment | Homework Help Websites
Research Paper Rough Draft Topic Approved-
Should the U.S. lower the drinking age to 18?
You must submit 400-750 words of your draft; try not to go over 750. The professor is most interested in seeing the hook you use to catch your audience’s interest in the introductory section and in your thesis statement (make sure you underline your thesis). You must include at least one source in this draft; you should display the correct usage of MLA in-text citations. Please also use basic MLA format (headers, double spacing, etc.).
At the top of the draft, you may write 2-3 specific questions that you would like the professor to address when he looks at the draft. If you do not list any questions or if they are not listed at the top,he will comment on issues such as focus and development.
please note the final research paper will be 1400-1600 words which will include the works-cited it will also need at least 5 sources- 2 from the university Library I attend (listed in guidelines) DO not use .com sites will be not be accepted
I have attached the topic proposal submitted with the professors comments. Please follow the professor’s comments for rough draft. I also am attaching the guidelines for the entire assignment