Critical Thinking Assignment | Homework Help Websites
February 10th, 2019
Please answer the following Critical Review Questions from Chapter Six and Chapter Seven:
Chapter Six – Pick two questions from the following:
- How would you assess communications in your organization? Give examples of good and poor communications in your organization.
- How did you score on Self-Assessment 6.1, “Listening Skills”? State your plan for improving your listening skills.
- How would you assess managers you have worked with at giving feedback? Specially, what should managers do to improve?
- Do you agree with the statement, “Do not criticize!”? Why? Do managers tend to give criticism or coaching feedback? How can managers improve?
- What has been your experience with being criticized and or coached?
Chapter Seven– Pick another two questions from the following:
- What has been your experience with being criticized and or coached?
Chapter Seven – Pick two questions from the following:
- In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some members of his/her work group or team without creating the perception of in-groups in his/her work unit? Explain!
- What should a leader do to dispel any notion or misconception that there are in-groups and out-groups in his/her work unit?
- What do you say to those who argue that tactics used by followers to get noticed by their leader (such as impressions management, ingratiation, and self-promotion) are shameful and self-serving and should be avoided?
- As a leader, how would you motivate the alienated follower?
Your answer should be two full pages of analysis.
Q&A format