Course Syllabus Assignment | Homework Help Websites
Directed Study
Course Syllabus
LGLS 497
Student: Instructor: Phone:
Student Evaluation: Preparation: 20%
Research Paper: 80%
The purpose of this course shall be to engage in significant research and study of a particular matter which is not readily available in a traditional course. This research shall culminate in the production of a paper (not less than 25 pages in length) which analyzes the matter in a manner consistent with the thesis statement.
Resources to be Employed:
- Legal Cases
- Academic Journals
- Interviews
- Statutes/Regulations
- Newspapers/Magazines
- Traditional Text Materials
Course Requirements:
Student is expected to perform significant research related to their approved thesis statement which is attached hereto.
Student will meet with me electronically every other day. During these meetings student will provide research sources and will discuss the progress and status of their work.
Student will provide to me by January 8th a list of no less than 20 potential sources.
Student will provide to me a draft paper no later than January 15, 2019.
Student will provide to me a final draft paper no later than the last day of classes of the 2019 wintersession semester.
Course Grading:
A: 90 and above
B+: 86-89
B: 80-85
C+: 76-79
C: 70-75
D+: 67-69
D: 65-66
F: 64 and under
Subjective Grading:
Project will be graded on the following:
- Ability to research – quality of research;
- Ability to present research in a manner which supports their thesis;
- Presentation of final paper (citation, grammar, design);
- Ability to meet deadlines as established herein.
Works Cited: (Lindsey Reid): Is the NFL Responsible for Concussions Sustained By Players? (Scholarly Source) (Lindsey Reid): Is the NFL Responsible for Concussions Sustained by Players? (Scholarly Source) (Michael John Mcnamee, Brad Partridge, Lynley C Anderson): Concussion in Sport: Conceptual and Ethical Issues (Journal) (Edward M. Wojitys): Concussion Dilemma (Journal) (Ira R. Casson, David C. Viano, John W. Powell, Elliot J. Pellman) Twelve Years of National Football League Concussion Data (Journal) (Michael D. Shear, Ken Belson) Concussions and an N.F.L. Paradox (Newspaper) (Dr. Rob Hudson, Dr. Brandon Spradley): Concussions: A Sport Ethics Commentary (Journal) (Lauren Ezell): Timeline: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis (Website) (Jason M. Breslow): Concussions in the NFL: How Worried are You? (Website) (Paul M. Pedersen, Lucie Thibault): Contemporary Sports Management (Journal) ( The 2018 Injury Reduction Plan: Initiatives to Advance Player Health and Safety. (Website) (The Concussion Legacy Foudation) (Destine Grove): Warefare vs. Fanfare: The National Football League’s Concussion Crisis and a Proposal for Reform. (Journal) (Mike Fish): A different game in Canada (Website) (JeffriChadiha): Players better wise up about safety (Website) (Christopher R. Deubert, I. Glenn Cohen, Holly Fernandez Lynch): Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law (Scholarly source) (Richard L. Daft, Dorothy Marcic): Understanding Management pg 162 (EBook) Fleck) :NFL’s concussion problem presents a cautionary tale for businesses. (Website)
This research seeks to recognize the dilemma of concussions in the NFL and the associated responsibilities of league management. This paper will analyze whether the NFL should be held liable when it comes to concussions treatment in the NFL.We look at the protocol that is followed before and after this injury occurs, review lawsuits, analyze data, and hear from the prospectiveof doctors and athletes to figure out what needs to be established to fix this epidemic.