Community Intervention Program Proposal Assignment | Homework Help Websites
Final Project: Community Intervention Program Proposal
The final project involves designing a new community intervention program appropriate for implementation within an organizational (e.g., school, clinic, NGO), system (e.g., school district, statewide community mental health) or community setting, for the purpose of addressing a key social issue of interest to you. Potential issues include but are not restricted to marginalization, oppression, discrimination, immigration, power, diversity, adaptation, or recovery. Proposed programs can be situated within domestic or global contexts. This is a program proposal for classwork only and you will not be directly contacting people who work in your community.
In developing your program, be sure to attend to the key components outlined and discussed by Nelson and Prilleltensky (2010):
- The issues or problems addressed
- The values reflected in the program approach and methods
- The conceptual foundation of the program
- The action and research tools (i.e., the “science of CP”)
Your program will reflect:
· values and principles that are consistent with the transformative goals of community psychology (i.e., address liberation and well-being);
· reflect a holistic model (i.e., reflect the synergistic person-ecology relationship and address personal, relational, and collective well-being);
· involves stakeholders in a participatory process;
· has a clear conceptual (theory/paradigm) foundation;
· and makes use of research and action/intervention tools relevant to the project purpose and consistent with the conceptual foundation.
You may find it helpful to review the guidelines for program analysis in Program Critique document, to make sure that you have adequately addressed the key components.
The final project consists of two parts: The Program Proposal and the IRB Proposal
Part I. Program proposal The Program Proposal should be double spaced, have a cover page, be in APA format, and include current sources. Always find a way to weave in current peer reviewed journals into your work. Other sources which talk about the need for the program might be from the CDC, the WHO, the NIH, or other reliable sources of data and trends.
The Program Proposal should include the following sections: