Write a 8-10 page research paper on Coke and Pepsi. The 8-10
pages do not include the title page, graphs or references. The paper must include an introduction or abstract and a summary conclusion.
1. Background of each Company
2. Background on the Industry and Market
3. Seven/Eight and more ratios discussion conclusions
4. Rational for which company the group would choose
5. Non-financial criteria that the group would consider when choosing between these two companies as investment options
6. Appendix data to be included
7. APA Formatting
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report that answers the following:
1. Provide a short background on each company, the industry and the market
(growing, declining, etc?) in which they operate. (This should be no more than
1- 1.5 pages for both companies in total and can be a part of your introduction.)
2. Using the current ratio and debt ratios, discuss what conclusions you can
make about each company’s ability to pay current liabilities (debt). Support your
conclusions. Which company is doing better, why or why not?
3. Using the profitability and operating performance ratios, discuss what
conclusions you can make about each company’s profits over the past three
years. Support your conclusions. Which company is doing better, why or why
4. Using the cash flow indicator and investment valuation ratios, discuss which
company is more likely to have satisfied stockholders. Support your conclusions. Which company is doing better, why or why not?
5. As an investor, discuss which company you would choose to invest in and
provide a rationale for your decision. Support your conclusions, why or why not?
6. After concluding your research about each company and reviewing their
annual report, Discuss what non-financial criteria you would consider when choosing between these two investment options? Support your conclusions, why or why not