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Business Ethics Current Event
1. Current Event with Ethical Implications (Writing requirement below) If you can relate the current event to that day’s lecture – possible bonus points!!
A. The main PURPOSE of this article is:
B. The key QUESTION(s) the author is addressing is:
C. The most important INFORMATION in this article is:
D. The main INFERENCES (conclusions) in this article are:
E. The key CONCEPTS (theories, Utilitarian, Deontological, Virtue Ethics, laws, principles, ideas) that guide the author’s reasoning are:
F. The main ASSUMPTIONS (generalizations author is taking for granted) underlying the author’s thinking are:
G. If this line of reasoning is justified, the IMPLICATIONS (consequences of taking this line of thinking seriously) are:
H. The main POINT OF VIEW presented in this article is:
2. Ethical Dilemma(s)
3. Your Judgment on this Issue based on Utilitarian, Principal Based (Deontological), or Virtue Ethics: